Athéor is an innovative company with one of the most versatile, experienced, and multidisciplinary team of professionals. In the course of eight years, Athéor has worked to become the expert in the field of product traceability, giving rise to the creation of Glass’in, the newest solution for secure product identification and tracking.
All these years of research and development are the result of an observation made by Jean-Denis Borras, director of Athéor, “I noticed that there was a lack of reliable industrial technology in branding glass packaging. So, my search began in finding a solution that can guarantee the traceability of products, brand protection, and fight against parallel markets and counterfeit goods.” To start the engineering process, Borras met with laboratory AM2N (Architectures Moléculaires et Matériaux Nanostructurés/Molecular Structures and Nanostructured Materials) to collaborate in the development of technology.
Ces années de recherche et développement résultent d’un constat entrepris par Jean-Denis Borras, directeur d’Athéor « J’ai remarqué qu’il y avait une absence de technologie fiable et industrielle pour le marquage des emballages en verre. J’étais donc en quête d’une solution pour garantir la traçabilité des produits, la lutte contre les marchés parallèles, les contrefaçons et la protection des marques ». Il part à la rencontre du laboratoire AM2N (Architectures Moléculaires et Matériaux Nanostructurés) avec qui il collabore, dans un premier temps, pour réaliser un transfert de technologie.
Borras’ project has since been backed by the BIC (Business Innovation Center), Cap Oméga, and LRI (Languedoc Roussillon Incubation).
Son projet est alors incubé par le BIC (Business Innovation Center) Cap Oméga et LRI (Languedoc Roussillon incubation).
Thanks to his standing relationship with Olivier Dautel, director of research at IGM (Institut Charles Gerhardt), Borras was able to patent his new concept.
Grâce à sa mise en relation avec le directeur de recherche au sein de l’IGM (l’Institut Charles Gerhardt), Olivier Dautel, il brevète un nouveau concept.
Due to its innovative excellence, Borras’ concept won the national competition for the creation of innovative technologies from the Ministry of the Interior. Borras founded Athéor® in 2010 with the intention of transforming the laboratory process into a larger industrial system.
Fort de sa qualité innovante, ce dernier remporte le concours national d’aide à la création des technologies innovantes du ministère de l’Intérieur. Jean-Denis Borras crée Athéor® en 2010. L’objectif est alors d’adapter ce process de laboratoire en modèle industriel.
Since then, Athéor only continues to grow. The team members in chemistry and business management enrich the company’s current success and future potential. With their collective skills, these researchers oversee the synthesis, formulation and production of Solgel Glass’in® ink. Two years ago, Athéor brought on a doctor in chemistry to further enhance its expertise and expand what it has to offer its clients.
Depuis, Athéor ne cesse de s’agrandir. L’équipe est étoffée grâce aux compétences de ses membres en chimie et management des entreprises. Ces derniers sont en charge de la synthèse, de la formulation et de la production de l’encre solgel Glass’in® Il y a deux ans, un docteur en chimie est venu étoffer l’équipe pour étendre et enrichir l’offre d’Athéor® .
With its growth in leading innovation and expertise, Athéor continues to expand its customer base. Quality as its highest standard, one of the greatest French champagne houses trusts Athéor with the marking and tracing of its bottles.
Fort de cette croissance avec de nouvelles innovations courant 2018, Athéor® poursuit son ascension de quoi élargir sa clientèle. Gage de qualité, un des plus grands champenois français lui fait confiance pour tracer ses bouteilles.
Additionally, Athéor has been the recipient of various awards
Winner 2017 of Occinov’ in agriculture
Winner 2016 of the Suppliers & Services Award at the EEA of the Sud’Innov competition.
Winner 2011 of the Researcher of the Future award.
Winner 2010 of Siemens Grand Prize for innovation, “Jeune Pousses” award.
Winner 2009 of the Ader Science and Technology Award
Winner 2009 of the i-LAB competition for the creation of innovative technology companies from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research
Athéor belongs to the networks of Vinséo, France Chimie and the south west agriculture innovation society.
Athéor® in numbers
bottles a year branded and protected with Glass'in®
bottles per hour bouteilles par heure marquées au Glass'in®
Athéor is founded
of sales reintegrated into research
years of technology engineering and development
Thanks to their innovative glass grafting technique, Athéor® is the expert in unit traceability and authentication
contact details
399 rue Georges Séguy
34080 Montpellier
Tél. : +334 48 79 07 59
Mail : info(@)atheor(.)com
Contact us
Athéor S.A.S
41 Rue Yves Montand
34080 Montpellier